Filtro de Convocatorias

AYUDAS PARA LA REALIZACIÓN DE TESIS DOCTORALES ISABEL FERNÁNDEZ 2025 La Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria (semFYC) convoca 6 ayudas con el objetivo de contribuir a la formación de los profesionales sanitarios de Atención Primaria en la investigación en salud y dar impulso al desarrollo de tesis doctorales que den respuesta a las lagunas del conocimiento en la práctica de la Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. 3000 € euros brutos. El 50 % de la ayuda se entregará en el momento de la concesión y tras la firma del convenio con la semFYC y el 50 % restante, tras la lectura y aprobación de la tesis doctoral.

Fecha publicación: 21/03/2025 Fecha límite: 23/04/2025
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II BECA DR. BASELGA La Fundación de Investigación Oncológica FERO, tiene el honor de convocar la IV Beca FERO Dr. Baselga en Investigación Oncológica Traslacional, con el objetivo de promover la investigación oncológica en España, con el objetivo de dotar a líderes excepcionales en investigación oncológica en vías de consolidación o consolidados de recursos necesarios para explotar toda su creatividad y trasladar sus descubrimientos a la clínica.  En homenaje a nuestro fundador, el Dr. Josep Baselga, la Beca se otorgará al mejor proyecto de investigación oncológica traslacional, que se prevea desde la fecha de resolución. Los proyectos de investigación han de estar basados en ideas originales. 300.000 € en dos pagos.

Fecha publicación: 21/03/2025 Fecha límite: 23/04/2025
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5th EU-LAC Joint Call in STI 2025 Topics funded by ISCIII: Topic 3.1: Global health Topic 3.2: Infectious diseases Each consortium must involve a minimum of 4 eligible partners from 4 different participating countries with at least two countries from each region (EU and LAC). Funding entities: Argentina-ICT, Austria-BMBWF, Brazil-CNPq, Brazil-CONFAP, Germany-BMBF, Poland-NCBR, Spain-ISCIII, Türkiye-TÜBITAK. Spanish PartnerI IS NOT the Coordinator of the transnational project: 220.000 € (overheads included), if there is only1 Spanish Partner requesting funding. 275.000 € (overheads included), if there are2 Spanish Partners requesting funding. Spanish Partner is the Coordinator of the transnational project: 300.000 € (overheads included), if there is only 1 Spanish Partner in the proposal, acting as a coordinator. 400.000 € (overheads included) if there is one Spanish Partner in addition to the Spanish Coordinator in the proposal, both requesting funding.

Fecha publicación: 24/02/2025 Fecha límite: 22/05/2025
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Premio a los mejores trabajos escritos y audiovisuales de comunicación sanitaria de 2024 - Fundación Asisa Destacar el mejor trabajo escrito periodístico y el mejor trabajo periodístico audiovisual en Comunicación Sanitaria publicados durante el año 2024 en la prensa o en las revistas editadas en todo el territorio español, ya sea en papel o virtuales, con el objetivo de reconocer y destacar la contribución del periodismo escrito a la Comunicación Sanitaria. Dotación: 3.000,00€

Fecha publicación: 14/02/2025 Fecha límite: 31/03/2025
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Fecha publicación: 07/02/2025 Fecha límite: 31/12/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-01-single-stage: Boosting innovation for a better understanding of the determinants of health Applicants should consider the following points in their proposals: a. address an unmet public health need based on at least one of the below: the high burden of the disease for patients and/or society due to its severity and/or the number of people affected by it; the high economic impact of the disease for patients and society; the transformational nature of the potential results on innovation processes where projects are not focussed on individual disease areas (e.g. health data analytics). b. demonstrate the ability to translate research into innovative solutions that can be integrated/implemented into the healthcare ecosystem (taking into consideration the fragmented nature of European healthcare systems) and/or in industrial processes. Contribution: 5.000.000 to 10.000.000€. Indicative number of grants:2

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 29/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-02-single-stage: Boosting innovation through better integration of fragmented health R&I efforts. Applicants should consider the following points in their proposals: a. address an unmet public health need based on at least one of the below: the high burden of the disease for patients and/or society due to its severity and/or the number of people affected by it; the high economic impact of the disease for patients and society; the transformational nature of the potential results on innovation processes where projects are not focussed on individual disease areas (e.g. health data analytics). b. demonstrate the ability to translate research into innovative solutions that can be integrated/implemented into the healthcare ecosystem (taking into consideration the fragmented nature of European healthcare systems) and/or industrial processes. Contribution: 8.000.000 to 15.000.000€. Indicative number of grants: 5 Type of action: RIA:

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 29/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-03-single-stage: Boosting innovation for peopled centred integrated healthcare solutions Applicants should consider the following: a. address an unmet public health need based on at least one of the below: high burden of the disease for patients and/or society due to its severity and/or the number of people affected by it; high economic impact of the disease for patients and society; transformational nature of the potential results on innovation processes where projects are not focussed on individual disease areas. b. have people-centric, rather than product the focus being on the patient and citizen journey through health care, with the help of most suitable health technologies and social innovations and taking account of demographic trends; c.demonstrate the ability to translate research into innovative solutions that can be integrated into the healthcare ecosystem. Contribution: 8.000.000 to15.000.000€. Number of grants: 2 Type of action: RIA.

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 29/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-04-single-stage:Boosting innovation through exploitation of digitalisation and data exchange in healthcare. Applicants should consider the following points in their proposals: a. address an unmet public health need based on at least one of the below: the high burden of the disease for patients and/or society due to its severity and/or the number of people affected by it; the high economic impact of the disease for patients and society; the transformational nature of the potential results on innovation processes where projects are not focussed on individual disease areas (e.g. health data analytics). b. demonstrate the ability to translate research into innovative solutions that can be integrated/implemented into the healthcare ecosystem (taking into consideration the fragmented nature of European healthcare systems) and/or into industrial processes. Contribution: 8.000.000 to15.000.000€. Number of grants: 2 Type of action: RIA.

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 29/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-09-05-single-stage: Boosting innovation for better assessment of the added value of innovative integrated healthcare solutions. Applicants should consider the following points in their proposals: a. address an unmet public health need based on at least one of the below: the high burden of the disease for patients and/or society due to its severity and/or the number of people affected by it; the high economic impact of the disease for patients and society; the transformational nature of the potential results on innovation processes where projects are not focussed on individual disease areas (e.g. health data analytics). b. demonstrate the ability to translate research into innovative solutions that can be integrated/implemented into the healthcare ecosystem (taking into consideration the fragmented nature of European healthcare systems) and/or into industrial processes. Contribution: 5.000.000 to 10.000.000€. Indicative number of grants:2

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 29/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-01-two-stage: Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products To fulfil the overall aim, the action funded under this topic must: deliver a framework for: mapping of data elements that must be physically present on the label and those that the manufacturer can provide digitally. a standardised concept in providing digital content and structure for the medtech manufacturers. taking into account the different device types. define and make publicly available key performance indicators (KPIs). generate evidence on the acceptability and usability of digital label solutions through testing in a variety of use environments. engage with all relevant stakeholders. based on the results of testing and body of evidence gathered. ensure appropriate knowledge dissemination Contribution around 3.960.000€ Indicative number of grants:1. Type of action: RIA.

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 23/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-02-two-stage: Digital label: one source of comprehensive information for medical technology products The topic objectives are to: build trust and confidence in the EHDS; propose implementation practices that will support the efficient inclusion of health data in the EHDS for secondary research purposes; support innovators’ competitiveness by safeguarding valuable IP and trade secrets data whilst fostering further research and innovation; advance data governance and confidentiality practices within the EHDS to ensure appropriate protection of IP and trade secrets; ensure data governance throughout the whole product life cycle minimise the administrative burden for HDABs, HDHs and HDUs impacted by the EHDS; ensure that relevant legal and regulatory rights of innovators are respected. support an EHDS implementation that facilitates data sharing, innovation, and research. Contribution around 5.200.000€ Indicative number of grants:1. Type of action: RIA.

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 23/04/2025
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HORIZON-JU-IHI-2025-10-03-two-stage: Per- and Poly-fluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) exposure, emissions, and end of life management in the healthcare sector. To fulfil the IHI JU’s topic aim, the applicant should address the following objectives: Objective 1: Cross-sector solutions to develop PFAS alternatives. Objective 2: Understanding PFAS in the medtech sector. Objective 3: Sector-specific solutions to reduce and reuse PFAS materials. Contribution around 5.200.000€ Indicative number of grants:1. Type of action: RIA.

Fecha publicación: 16/01/2025 Fecha límite: 23/04/2025
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PROGRAMA DE INVESTIGACIÓN FUNDAMENTOS BBVA Conceder de ayudas económicas para el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación de fundamentos de una o más áreas del conocimiento. Los proyectos de investigación podrán pertenecer a una o más áreas de entre las que figuran a continuación: Física, Química, Biología y Biomedicina, Ingenierías. Se concederá un máximo de 4 ayudas por área con un importe bruto máximo de 250.000 euros por proyecto.

Fundación BBVA
Fecha publicación: 15/01/2025 Fecha límite: 31/03/2025
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AES 2025 - CONTRATOS PFIS El objeto de esta actuación es la financiación de contratos destinados a la formación inicial de personal investigador en ciencias y tecnologías de la salud, mediante la realización de una tesis doctoral en el contexto del SNS o, en su modalidad i-PFIS, en un entorno combinado entre empresa y un centro del ámbito del propio SNS, de acuerdo con lo establecido en el artículo 21 de la Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, encuadrándose en alguna de las siguientes modalidades: A. Contratos PFIS: contratos predoctorales de formación en investigación en salud. B. Contratos i-PFIS: doctorados IIS-empresa en ciencias y tecnologías de la salud.

Fecha publicación: 15/01/2025 Fecha límite: 13/05/2025
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COST Actions 2025: Open Call: A simple one-step application process Participants are invited to submit COST Action proposals contributing to the scientific, technological, economic, cultural or societal knowledge advancement and development of Europe. Multi- and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged. The Open Call Action proposal submission, evaluation, selection and approval (SESA) procedure is fully science and technology-driven and will ensure a simple, transparent and competitive proposal evaluation and selection process, reflecting the bottom-up, open and inclusive principles of COST. Participants planning to submit a proposal for a COST Action will need to refer to the SESA guidelines and to the Open Call Announcement available on the Documents and Guidelines page. All proposals are submitted via the dedicated online platform of the COST Association used for grant management, known as e-COST.

Fecha publicación: 27/12/2024 Fecha límite: 21/10/2025
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Estudios iniciados por investigadores A través de esta convocatoria se financiarán estudios independientes iniciados por investigadores/as y/u se ofrecerán medicamentos de estudio.

Fecha publicación: 23/12/2024 Fecha límite: 31/12/2099
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EMBO POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS 2024 A través de esta convocatoria se pretende ayudar a investigadores/as posdoctorales a que realicen una formación en un laboratorio establecido en un país miembro de la European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), asociado o cooperante. Las becas postdoctorales EMBO se conceden por un periodo de dos años, aunque pueden solicitarse por periodos más cortos. La duración mínima de la beca que puede solicitarse es de un año. Las becas deben iniciarse en el plazo de un año natural a partir de la fecha límite de evaluación correspondiente. La beca cubrirá el salario de investigador/a en la institución anfitriona durante la duración de la ayuda (, además de otros complementos de movilidad y/o cuidado de hijos (

Fecha publicación: 23/09/2024 Fecha límite: 11/07/2025
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ESTANCIAS BREVES EN CENTROS DE I+D FUERA DE LAS ISLAS BALEARES 2023-2025 (BOLSAS DE VIAJE 2023-2025) Finalidad: A los efectos de estas ayudas pueden ser beneficiarios las personas físicas que sean beneficiarios activos de una ayuda para la formación de personal investigador (FPI), formación de personal investigador empresarial (FPI_E) o de un contrato de incorporación de personal investigador (Postdoc) de la Consellería de Fondos Europeos, Universidad y Cultura.

Fecha publicación: 02/05/2023 Fecha límite: 30/06/2025
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Fecha publicación: 02/09/2022 Fecha límite: 15/06/2025
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Enfocado al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos contra el cáncer.

Fecha publicación: 09/12/2020 Fecha límite: 31/12/9999
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Fecha publicación: 20/03/2020 Fecha límite:
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